Speaker: TPUUF Members and Friends

Mother’s Day

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Mother's Day

This Mother’s Day service will feature our TPUUF members and friends who will share reflections, readings, and music that express their feelings or thoughts about a mother or an influential mother figure

UU Troubadours Sunday 2024: Singing the Wonder and Beauty of the Natural World

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
UU Troubadours Sunday 2024: Singing the Wonder and Beauty of the Natural World

Our Soul Matters theme for April 2024 is “The Gift of Interdependence,” and April 22 marks the 54th anniversary of Earth Day. What better time than this Sunday, then, to affirm respect for the interdependent web of existence, particularly the wonder and beauty of the natural world and our role as responsible stewards of our … Continue reading UU Troubadours Sunday 2024: Singing the Wonder and Beauty of the Natural World

Let all UUs Be Grateful for the Gift of Generosity

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Let all UUs Be Grateful for the Gift of Generosity

In our consumer culture, we’re accustomed to thinking of gifts as “things,” as “products” of generosity. That way of thinking may not only obscure the many forms a gift may take but also the spiritual nature of generosity. “Generosity,” writes His Holiness the Dalai Lama, “is the natural outward expression of an inner attitude of … Continue reading Let all UUs Be Grateful for the Gift of Generosity

Guest At Your Table

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Guest At Your Table

For many years our congregation has supported the “Guest at Your Table” project of the UU Service Committee. We will be doing so again this year. This service will give us an opportunity to learn about all the great work that the organization does and what partner organizations they will be supporting this year. UUSC’s … Continue reading Guest At Your Table

Summarizing a Summer Read

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Summarizing a Summer Read

In this service, several TPUUF members and friends are invited to share thoughts on a book they’ve read recently. The service provides an opportunity to reflect on the benefits of genuine engagement with the written word and to discover authors and titles we may wish to add to our own reading list. If you’re excited … Continue reading Summarizing a Summer Read

Let UUs All Be Grateful for…A Change

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Let UUs All Be Grateful for...A Change

In the spirit of both November’s Soul Matters theme, “Paths of Change,” and the Thanksgiving holiday, we’ll explore how change is disruptive and often unwelcome at the time it occurs but may also prove to be something we’re eventually grateful for. Along with considering the spiritual, mental and physical benefits of gratitude, particularly in  challenging … Continue reading Let UUs All Be Grateful for…A Change

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Join us online to celebrate in story and song the joy and hope of the holiday season.  You’ll have the opportunity to participate in our traditional candle lighting ritual in which lights are dimmed and all hold a candle to remind us that no matter how dark days may seem there is always the hope … Continue reading Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Summarizing a Summer Read

Click to join the TPUUF Sunday Service OR Join by Phone, dial (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID:845801170, Password:12345 Unitarian Universalists tend to be avid readers. To keep abreast of current events and gain perspective on important issues, they devour news stories, articles, and editorials. They also read books—quite a lot of them. In this service, several TPUUF … Continue reading Summarizing a Summer Read

Imagining the Beloved Community

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Imagining the Beloved Community

By this time, most of us will have heard Rev. Dr. Aidsand Wright-Riggins, III’s message on the dream of Beloved Community inspired by the ministry of Dr. Martin Luther King and the struggle for social and economic justice, as well as Rev. Larry Peers’ thoughts on preparing the way for what’s possible. Let’s transition from … Continue reading Imagining the Beloved Community

Let UUs All Be Grateful…for Healers

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Let UUs All Be Grateful...for Healers

Continuing in our Thanksgiving weekend tradition of extolling the spiritual practice of gratitude, this year we’ll extend special thanks to people who’ve been a healing presence in our lives. Members and friends of our faith community are invited to submit the name of a person or persons who helped them heal from significant physical, emotional, … Continue reading Let UUs All Be Grateful…for Healers