Our Soul Matters theme for April 2024 is “The Gift of Interdependence,” and April 22 marks the 54th anniversary of Earth Day. What better time than this Sunday, then, to affirm respect for the interdependent web of existence, particularly the wonder and beauty of the natural world and our role as responsible stewards of our planetary home.
UU Troubadours are uniquely qualified to express that interconnection and remind us that living it is a spiritual practice. UU Troubadours are the singer/songwriters who make our Unitarian Universalist faith more accessible and inspire us to greater heights of spiritual awareness and compassionate activism. We’ll pay homage to music icon Pete Seeger, who inspired us to establish years ago an annual tribute to UU Troubadours. We’ll also honor a variety of UU singer/songwriters—homegrown and beyond, old and new— and, of course, enjoy live and online performance of their music.

Topics: Soul Matters Themes