Speaker: Jerry Lazzaro

Fathering and the Path to Renewal

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Fathering and the Path to Renewal

June 16 is Father’s Day 2024, a day to consider the impact of fathers and father-figures in our lives. Our Soul Matters theme for June 2024 is “The Gift of Renewal.” Renewal, in the Biblical sense, refers to transformation, more specifically to changing into something new and different, something better. This Father’s Day, TPUUF members … Continue reading Fathering and the Path to Renewal

Their Last Full Measure of Devotion…and Love

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Their Last Full Measure of Devotion...and Love

In his 1863 address commemorating the battlefield at Gettysburg as a soldier’s national cemetery, President Abraham Lincoln implored his audience to increase devotion to the cause for which the “honored dead…gave the last full measure of devotion.” Memorial Day provides an opportunity to remember and honor those who’ve died in armed conflict not just as … Continue reading Their Last Full Measure of Devotion…and Love

UU Troubadours Sunday 2024: Singing the Wonder and Beauty of the Natural World

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
UU Troubadours Sunday 2024: Singing the Wonder and Beauty of the Natural World

Our Soul Matters theme for April 2024 is “The Gift of Interdependence,” and April 22 marks the 54th anniversary of Earth Day. What better time than this Sunday, then, to affirm respect for the interdependent web of existence, particularly the wonder and beauty of the natural world and our role as responsible stewards of our … Continue reading UU Troubadours Sunday 2024: Singing the Wonder and Beauty of the Natural World

Hope Is A Waking Dream

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Hope Is A Waking Dream

On the 2023 Christian liturgical calendar, December 3 marks the beginning of Advent—four weeks of preparation for the coming of a Savior. As such, Advent is a season of expectation, a season of hope. While today we think of hope mainly as an emotional state or mental attitude, in the Christian theological tradition hope is … Continue reading Hope Is A Waking Dream

Let all UUs Be Grateful for the Gift of Generosity

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Let all UUs Be Grateful for the Gift of Generosity

In our consumer culture, we’re accustomed to thinking of gifts as “things,” as “products” of generosity. That way of thinking may not only obscure the many forms a gift may take but also the spiritual nature of generosity. “Generosity,” writes His Holiness the Dalai Lama, “is the natural outward expression of an inner attitude of … Continue reading Let all UUs Be Grateful for the Gift of Generosity

The Writer’s Gift: Honoring Heritage, Creating Legacy

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
The Writer’s Gift: Honoring Heritage, Creating Legacy

Writing can be more than a utilitarian exercise. It can be a spiritual practice, a way to celebrate the wonder and mystery of existence, to find meaning and purpose in human experience, and to address the challenges of living in a complex, confusing world. Our Fellowship encourages this spiritual practice in many ways, including by … Continue reading The Writer’s Gift: Honoring Heritage, Creating Legacy

Celebrating the Songbook of the Labor Movement

From time immemorial, music has inspired as well as chronicled solidarity and action on behalf of a cause. That was certainly true in the case of the American Labor Movement. Singer/songwriters like Joel Hägglund (aka Joe Hill), Joe Glazer, Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger wrote and performed songs that focused attention on the plight of … Continue reading Celebrating the Songbook of the Labor Movement

Summarizing a Summer Read

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Summarizing a Summer Read

In this service, several TPUUF members and friends are invited to share thoughts on a book they’ve read recently. The service provides an opportunity to reflect on the benefits of genuine engagement with the written word and to discover authors and titles we may wish to add to our own reading list. If you’re excited … Continue reading Summarizing a Summer Read

Delights of Fatherhood

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Delights of Fatherhood

Our Soul Matters theme for June is “The Path of Delight.” Nowadays, the word “delight” seems to indicate a pure, uncomplicated pleasure. Anyone who’s fathered a child would be hard pressed to say that fathering comes with no dilutions and complications! But, originally, the word referred to a high degree of pleasure or satisfaction and … Continue reading Delights of Fatherhood