Lifespan Faith Development – Something for everyone
Our Purpose and Goals
As the Unitarian Universalist Association says, “the search for truth and meaning is a lifelong search. We are never too young or too old to be learning.” Our Lifespan Faith Development (LFD) Program promotes the spiritual growth of children, youth and adults, and nurtures the religious life of congregation members, their families, and the community. Faith development for the heart and the mind is part of all we do at this Fellowship.
The purpose of the Lifespan Faith Development Program is to uphold the principles of the Fellowship. We strive to be a community where people of diverse beliefs can worship in a spirit of reason, tolerance, freedom, loving fellowship, and a commitment to social justice.
A Program for All Ages
Our program is designed with the understanding that learning is a life-long experience. The religious education program includes monthly intergenerational services where the children have a role in the service, such as for holidays and the “secret friend” celebration in February. Learn more about our programs for all ages:
In addition…
Responsibility for development of our Fellowship’s Lifespan Faith Development program is shared with the Director of Lifespan Faith Development, the Lifespan Faith Development Committee of volunteers and the minister. Faith Development curricula are selected and developed from resources provided by the UUA and developed by our Director of Lifespan Faith Development.
For your child’s safety, please make sure to fill out a registration form for your child before his or her first session. Please let us know if your child has any special needs. If you have further questions or would like to participate in these programs, contact us.
Faith Development Committee is made up of any concerned members and friends, parents and the minister and has a member as the chair
Our Policies On Safety –
- We follow all Pennsylvania mandated laws on volunteer clearances and the procedure on how to obtain them can be found here: How to apply for PA Clearances
- We have safety driven guidelines in our nursery handbook for our smallest of children and that information can be found here: nursery handbook
- Our board of trustees has recently updated and adopted our Child Protection Policy which can be found here: TPUUF Child Protection Policy