Topic: Soul Matters Themes

Beyond the Sunset

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Beyond the Sunset

Imagine a world where facing our mortality isn’t a taboo but a chance to strengthen bonds and foster deeper connections, where each conversation becomes a source of peace, not fear, as we navigate the delicate balance between acknowledging our finite existence and cherishing the beauty of the present moment. Where appreciating each moment becomes a … Continue reading Beyond the Sunset

Accountability as Love

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Accountability as Love

I feel that accountability is quite possibly the truest expression of love. But accountability gets a bad rap: “Who is holding us accountable? Isn’t accountability just another way to say punishment?…” Not so! Accountability is the active work of helping someone be their best selves. I don’t want friends or a community which always tells … Continue reading Accountability as Love

Refusing to Quietly Quit on King and Some Other Important Things

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Refusing to Quietly Quit on King and Some Other Important Things

Carl Wendel Hines penned a devastating poem in 1965 on the occasion of the assassination of Malcolm X. Still, it is often, and perhaps more appropriately, associated with the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. It is called “A Dead Man’s Dream.” Now that he is safely dead let us praise him, build monuments to … Continue reading Refusing to Quietly Quit on King and Some Other Important Things

Love is a Four-Letter Word

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Love is a Four-Letter Word

The rhyme “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” isn’t entirely true. Words can – and do – hurt very much. There is power in language and the words we use. A man I knew once said that the term “love” was useless and harmful. What are other words … Continue reading Love is a Four-Letter Word

The Biggest Mystery

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
The Biggest Mystery

Rev. Forrest Church defined religion as “our human response to the dual reality of being alive and having to die.” How does our religion respond to that dual reality? Let’s explore the many ways humans view dying, death and the afterlife. Through music, story and reflection we will delve into ideas about what happens when … Continue reading The Biggest Mystery

Breaking the Fourth Wall

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Breaking the Fourth Wall

There is a certain mystery in the creation and presentation of worship services. From topic selection to music choices, not to mention any special activities or the overarching flow of Sunday morning – there is a lot going on behind the scenes. Today the Worship Committee and Rev. Andrew will break the fourth wall to … Continue reading Breaking the Fourth Wall

Hope Is A Waking Dream

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Hope Is A Waking Dream

On the 2023 Christian liturgical calendar, December 3 marks the beginning of Advent—four weeks of preparation for the coming of a Savior. As such, Advent is a season of expectation, a season of hope. While today we think of hope mainly as an emotional state or mental attitude, in the Christian theological tradition hope is … Continue reading Hope Is A Waking Dream

Let all UUs Be Grateful for the Gift of Generosity

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Let all UUs Be Grateful for the Gift of Generosity

In our consumer culture, we’re accustomed to thinking of gifts as “things,” as “products” of generosity. That way of thinking may not only obscure the many forms a gift may take but also the spiritual nature of generosity. “Generosity,” writes His Holiness the Dalai Lama, “is the natural outward expression of an inner attitude of … Continue reading Let all UUs Be Grateful for the Gift of Generosity

Generosity, Embodied

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Generosity, Embodied

Generosity is not dependent on how much one has; people who have little can be much more generous than those who have much.  Generosity is first and foremost a mindset.  This reality begs the question: How do we cultivate a spirit and a practice of generosity?  Today we will explore how to increase kind giving … Continue reading Generosity, Embodied

Tradition, Tradition!

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Tradition, Tradition!

Have you ever done something just because that’s the way you have always done it? Individuals, organizations, families… we all do certain things because we always have – heck, it’s tradition! Tradition is comforting, meaningful and powerful. Tradition is having a culture and background to be proud of and feel comforted by: it’s having the … Continue reading Tradition, Tradition!