Topic: Soul Matters Themes

Ancestor Celebration

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Ancestor Celebration

One way to look at our heritage is by exploring our past generations of relatives. Another way to understand heritage is by seeing who has gone before us and helped to create the world we live in, whether they were related to us or not. At Thomas Paine, there are many people who came before … Continue reading Ancestor Celebration

Delights of Fatherhood

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Delights of Fatherhood

Our Soul Matters theme for June is “The Path of Delight.” Nowadays, the word “delight” seems to indicate a pure, uncomplicated pleasure. Anyone who’s fathered a child would be hard pressed to say that fathering comes with no dilutions and complications! But, originally, the word referred to a high degree of pleasure or satisfaction and … Continue reading Delights of Fatherhood

Remembering Well on Memorial Day

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Remembering Well on Memorial Day

National holidays can confront religious communities with a  challenging choice: conflate church and state or differentiate religious  identity and mission from pervasive and often unrecognized  nationalistic ideologies.  Rev. Dr. Chris J. Antal is ordained in and endorsed by the Unitarian  Universalist Association. He has been a congregational minister,  military chaplain, and currently works as a … Continue reading Remembering Well on Memorial Day

Are You My Mother?

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Are You My Mother?

What does it mean to have a mother, or to be a mother? Can someone  be a mother who has no children? On this Mother’s Day we will explore  and celebrate many facets of motherhood through story, song and  activity.

UU Troubadours Sunday 2023

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
UU Troubadours Sunday 2023

Our Soul Matters theme for May 2023 is “The Path of Creativity,” and UU Troubadours are uniquely qualified to lead us along that path. UU Troubadours are the singer/songwriters who make our Unitarian Universalist faith more accessible and inspire us to greater heights of spiritual awareness and compassionate activism. We’ll pay homage to music icon … Continue reading UU Troubadours Sunday 2023

Resistance is (not) Futile

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Resistance is (not) Futile

In the science fiction TV series “Star Trek” there is a race of beings called the Borg.  The Borg’s existence comes from assimilating and taking over other species and their most memorable saying is “Resistance is futile!”  In our lives, it is sometimes easy to feel that resistance to evil is futile.  What impact can … Continue reading Resistance is (not) Futile

Resistance on Easter

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Resistance on Easter

Easter is a celebration of resistance – the resistance of one man against an empire and the resistance of life against death.  Come honor this holiday through songs, stories, music, activities and more.  It’s sure to be a fun day filled with joyful resistance. Note: This will be an intergenerational service.

How To Be A Good Friend

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
How To Be A Good Friend

What makes a good friend?  Part of being a good friend means sharing with others and letting them share with us.  Come and share today what you think is important for being a good friend and learn about what others feel is needed for friendship.

A Promise of Love

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
A Promise of Love

Unitarian Universalism has been described as “a covenantal faith”, based on promises of action rather than adherent to a specific faith.  Here at Thomas Paine we begin many business meetings by reading our “Covenant of Good Relations” (  What does living in covenant with others mean?  More importantly, what happens when our promise of love … Continue reading A Promise of Love

Finding Our Communal Center

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Finding Our Communal Center

When asked about Unitarian Universalism, it is normal to reference the 7 Principles – those essential ideas which help to define us as a religion.  Our faith is going through a process of finding our communal center, as the 7 Principles may soon be replaced!  This is a big deal, changing not who we are … Continue reading Finding Our Communal Center