Topic: Religious Exploration

Next Level Spirituality

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Next Level Spirituality

Since 2016, churches, synagogues, and mosques in the United States, have been losing members at a rate of 1% every year. The idea of a supernatural God outside ourselves that can be petitioned is becoming increasingly problematic in our modern world. With both the Bible and Ralph Waldo Emerson as our guides, we might find … Continue reading Next Level Spirituality

SpiritUUality: Reflections and Dialogue

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
SpiritUUality: Reflections and Dialogue

We don’t have to be religious to be spiritual.  In fact, in even greater numbers than ever before, Americans describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious.” Yet, religious beliefs, or lack of them, greatly influence what people consider “spiritual” experience and practice. Furthermore, because our Unitarian Universalist faith is based on principles not on creeds, … Continue reading SpiritUUality: Reflections and Dialogue

A Non-Believer Easter Awakening

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
A Non-Believer Easter Awakening

Belief in a deity or specific prophet is not necessary for belief in the power of life over death. The moral from Easter transcends the Christian faith from which the story comes. There is truth in the celebration that awakening and transformation is a possibility for everyone and everything. Let us liberate ourselves from the … Continue reading A Non-Believer Easter Awakening

Thomas Paine’s Foundational Principle of Religion and Government: Justice

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine's Foundational Principle of Religion and Government: Justice

On this Independence Day 2021, Gary Berton will enlighten us on Enlightenment icon (and our Fellowship’s namesake), Thomas Paine, whose writings inspired the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. Paine’s first principles are few, but he held one, Justice, as a “foundational” principle because it combines the essence of the others. A letter from … Continue reading Thomas Paine’s Foundational Principle of Religion and Government: Justice

Turned Outside In: Spiritual Silence for Saints and the Rest of Us

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Turned Outside In: Spiritual Silence for Saints and the Rest of Us

Too often we think that silence is a spiritual practice meant for those living in cloisters or those of us who go on the occasional silent retreat. But, as English Quaker William Littleboy reminds us, “God is above all the God of the normal. In the common facts and circumstances of life, [the Divine] draws … Continue reading Turned Outside In: Spiritual Silence for Saints and the Rest of Us

The Festival of Lights in the Light of History and Memory

Also known as the Festival of Lights, the Jewish festival of Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem during the 167-160 BCE Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire. This year, Hanukkah begins at sundown on December 22, and we will take the opportunity to acknowledge an element of our Judeo-Christian heritage and consider the meaning of this celebration as it relates to our Unitarian Universalist faith. We will also hear from members and friends of our Congregation who identified spiritually and/or culturally as Jewish about their memories of Hanukkah growing up, and how their experience of it or, perhaps, their lack of experience of it, figured into their faith development and how they now regard and/or observe Hanukkah.
We will also, of course, light the Menorah, the iconic symbol of Hanukkah.

God is Not God’s Name

Religious language can never adequately satisfy our human desire to capture and to express our most profound experiences. Recent research by a Jefferson University Hospital neuroscientist and his colleagues confirm how prevalent and diverse spiritual or poignant experiences are and the lingering impact they can have on our lives. Even when we use religious language, we don’t all mean the same thing by the words that we use. I believe that Unitarian Universalist minister, Rev. F. Forrester Church expressed it well when he said that “God is not God’s name. God is our name for that which is greater than all and yet present in each.”

Sharing Your Spiritual Gifts

Members of our Thomas Paine UU Fellowship Mystics Group will share methods they use to connect with their spiritual self and will guide the congregation in group meditation. Jennifer Blackwell, a member of the group, will give the sermon entitled “The Three Great Lies We’ve Been Taught That Are Uncloaked by a Spiritual Awakening,” an excerpt from a book she’s written.

Rumi in Words and Song

Please join us as we explore the words and message of Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, Persian Sufi mystic of the 13th century. Michael London performs his music inspired by the deeply moving, transcendental poetry of Rumi. Michael performs in concert, at workshops and conferences, and in support of sacred rituals. He is also a teacher of leadership, organizational behavior, creativity, and management at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. Poet Lisa DeVuono will read selected translations of poetry by Rumi. See for more info. Please come ready to fill your mind and heart.