Speaker: Jerry Lazzaro

SpiritUUality: Reflections and Dialogue

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
SpiritUUality: Reflections and Dialogue

We don’t have to be religious to be spiritual.  In fact, in even greater numbers than ever before, Americans describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious.” Yet, religious beliefs, or lack of them, greatly influence what people consider “spiritual” experience and practice. Furthermore, because our Unitarian Universalist faith is based on principles not on creeds, … Continue reading SpiritUUality: Reflections and Dialogue

Blessed Be Fatherhood

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Blessed Be Fatherhood

In keeping with this month’s Soul Matters theme “Celebrating Blessings,” on this Father’s Day 2022 let’s reflect on the blessings of fatherhood. Several members and friends of our Fellowship will share with us blessings they experience(d) as a father or father figure or share a blessing they receive(d) from their own father or father figure. … Continue reading Blessed Be Fatherhood

Learning to Walk

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Learning to Walk

What kind of walk do you have? A tentative walk? A defiant walk? An aggressive walk? Or maybe a reluctant walk?  Mike Holliday returns to our pulpit this month to explore with us learning a new way to walk.

UU Troubadours Sunday: Nurturing Beauty, Nurturing Truth

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
UU Troubadours Sunday: Nurturing Beauty, Nurturing Truth

You won’t want to miss this year’s tribute to UU troubadours–the singer/songwriters who make our Unitarian Universalist faith more accessible and inspire us to greater heights of spiritual awareness and compassionate activism. We’ll pay homage to Pete Seeger, who inspired us to establish years ago our annual tribute to UU troubadours, and also to Bill … Continue reading UU Troubadours Sunday: Nurturing Beauty, Nurturing Truth

A Non-Believer Easter Awakening

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
A Non-Believer Easter Awakening

Belief in a deity or specific prophet is not necessary for belief in the power of life over death. The moral from Easter transcends the Christian faith from which the story comes. There is truth in the celebration that awakening and transformation is a possibility for everyone and everything. Let us liberate ourselves from the … Continue reading A Non-Believer Easter Awakening

‘Oh Lord, Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood’: The Life, Times and Legacy of Nina Simone

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
‘Oh Lord, Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood’: The Life, Times and Legacy of Nina Simone

Black History is, like the history of any race, creed or country, the biography of individuals who helped shape that history in the minds of those who lived it. One such individual was pianist, singer-songwriter Nina Simone. A child prodigy, she aspired to a career as a classical pianist. An unsuccessful attempt to earn admittance … Continue reading ‘Oh Lord, Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood’: The Life, Times and Legacy of Nina Simone

The Advent Conspiracy Revisited

Click to join the TPUUF Sunday Service OR Join by Phone, dial (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID:845801170, Password:12345 A rare alignment of Judeo-Christian religious observances occurs this year: the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah and the Christian season of Advent both begin on the same date. Most UUs view the “miracle” of Hanukkah as symbolic, and they’re likely … Continue reading The Advent Conspiracy Revisited

Love in the Face of Hate – When Peace Is Not Easy

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Love in the Face of Hate - When Peace Is Not Easy

We all learned the simple ways to make peace, to smile, make friends, ask questions, listen, forgive. But how do we deal with people invested in creating a “lose-lose situation?” Are they just not on our radar? Do we choose to avoid them, rather than risk engagement? Extending the olive branch takes courage but can … Continue reading Love in the Face of Hate – When Peace Is Not Easy

It’s Only Impossible Until It’s Not

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
It's Only Impossible Until It's Not

September’s Soul Matter theme is Embracing Possibility. In keeping with that theme, and with the spirit of the Jewish High Holy Days, we’ll explore possibilities for reconciliation and revitalization. This will be our second hybrid service, with limited seating in the Sanctuary for vaccinated, masked members and friends. Due to continuing cautions during the COVID … Continue reading It’s Only Impossible Until It’s Not

Summarizing a Summer Read

Click to join the TPUUF Sunday Service OR Join by Phone, dial (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID:845801170, Password:12345 Unitarian Universalists tend to be avid readers. To keep abreast of current events and gain perspective on important issues, they devour news stories, articles, and editorials. They also read books—quite a lot of them. In this service, several TPUUF … Continue reading Summarizing a Summer Read