There are nearly 90 guns for every 100 people in the United States. Violence and death due to guns are now part of the fabric of our country – it happens all the time, every day. It’s just that we don’t necessarily hear about.
Gun violence impacts us all, not just the victims. It impacts families, coworkers, communities, businesses. Even the mass shootings which generate constant news coverage and many “thoughts and prayers” from elected officials have become regular events. Have we become so used to it that we no longer notice? In the First Principle, UUs covenant to affirm and promote the “inherent worth and dignity of every person.” We value life and
support peace, justice, and respect. As such, we cannot be silent. We must be outraged! Every action, every word to address and limit the impact of guns on our society is meaningful and a step toward a transformation of the complacency about guns that impacts all of us. We cannot stand on the sidelines with the idea that it can’t happen to us. It can.
Join us as Joanne Walker leads a meaningful reflection of the impacts of guns on us and our youth and consider steps that UUs can take to address the growing gun culture in the U.S. We will be joined by Tina Gallagher, Co-Lead for BeSMART of Montgomery County, a gun safety initiative.

Topics: Justice, UU Principles