Topic: UU Principles

Thomas Paine’s Foundational Principle of Religion and Government: Justice

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine's Foundational Principle of Religion and Government: Justice

On this Independence Day 2021, Gary Berton will enlighten us on Enlightenment icon (and our Fellowship’s namesake), Thomas Paine, whose writings inspired the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. Paine’s first principles are few, but he held one, Justice, as a “foundational” principle because it combines the essence of the others. A letter from … Continue reading Thomas Paine’s Foundational Principle of Religion and Government: Justice

ACLU on Voting Issues and Challenges

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
ACLU on Voting Issues and Challenges

Sara Mullen, Associate Director/Advocacy and Policy Director of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the ACLU, has been fighting to protect one of the cornerstones of our democracy—the right to vote. She will discuss some of the obstacles the ACLU is fighting to overcome, voting by mail challenges, and what to expect on Election Day. Founded … Continue reading ACLU on Voting Issues and Challenges

Making Sense of Meaning

Life provides us with many welcomed and unwelcomed opportunities to try to “make sense of” our experiences and the world around us. Sometimes we find meaning in very positive experiences and sometimes in adversity as well. Emily Esfahani Smith says that there are four “pillars” upon which meaning rests.” We’ll explore those “pillars” and some common everyday practices that can help us to savor “all that is our life.”

You Must Add Your Voice to the Song

Recently, Michael Moore ruminated on how we must sustain ourselves, and our spirits, “in the face of the onslaught of negative actions …”. The attack on our environmental protections in the past eighteen months is enough to take our breath away. In the face of this assault, how are we to affirm and promote our seventh UU Principle: “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part?” Come, and add your voice to the song of spirit-filled odes to love and justice. Rev. Cornish, a Unitarian Universalist minister living in Philadelphia, serves as the Executive Director of Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light, a state-wide nonprofit organization that works with congregations of all denominations to respond to climate change as an urgent moral issue

Fifth Principle

We Unitarian Universalists have, uniquely, a religious principle about affirming and promoting the democratic process. What a great time to hold that up.