Topic: Justice

ACLU on Voting Issues and Challenges

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
ACLU on Voting Issues and Challenges

Sara Mullen, Associate Director/Advocacy and Policy Director of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the ACLU, has been fighting to protect one of the cornerstones of our democracy—the right to vote. She will discuss some of the obstacles the ACLU is fighting to overcome, voting by mail challenges, and what to expect on Election Day. Founded … Continue reading ACLU on Voting Issues and Challenges

Engaging Active Hope

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Engaging Active Hope

What is active hope?  According to authors Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone, “Active hope is not wishful thinking [or] waiting to be rescued by the Lone Ranger or by some savior … active hope is waking up to the beauty of life on whose behalf we can act.”  In times of great uncertainty and flux, … Continue reading Engaging Active Hope

A Tribute to UU Troubadours: Celebrating the Seeger Centennial.

Join us for a lively, uplifting tribute to Unitarian Universalist troubadours—singer/songwriters who help make the essence of our liberal religious faith more accessible to all and who call us to greater heights of spiritual awakening, compassion and social action. Our annual recognition of their talents and contributions is especially timely this year, as May 3, 2019 marks the centennial of the birth of Pete Seeger who was, arguably, the most notable and influential UU troubadour of the past several generations. Expect reflection on how and why their lives and music nourish and inspire us and, of course, expect lots of singing!

Chapters from the Stratton Family

We’re delighted to welcome back Doreen Stratton, writer/researcher, photographer and docent at the Doylestown Museum who, two years ago, provided us with insight into the history of the Underground Railroad in our region. This time, she’ll provide a glimpse into the lives of African Americans in the latter half and the Nineteenth Century and early … Continue reading Chapters from the Stratton Family

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail

Martin Luther King, Jr. was jailed on April 12, 1963 for his leadership of non-violent civil disobedience against racism in Birmingham, Alabama. A group of eight white Alabama clergymen published an article titled “A Call for Unity,” critical of Dr. King and his nonviolent methods. King responded with an open letter written from his jail cell, pointing out that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Dave Chapman will discuss the importance of Dr. King’s letter and how it informs his understanding of the responsibilities of spiritual leaders in social and political matters in the United States.

Seeger Sunday

The obstreperous Pete Seeger and other Unitarian Universalist troubadours will be much of the music we’ll share at this annual celebration. And, we’ll all welcome new members and be part of a child dedication! While we’re at it, let’s look at the symbolism attached to that happy ceremony.

White Womxn as Accomplices for Racial Justice

Honoring Women’s History Month, this service encourage reflection on issues and actions related to intersectionality, feminism as a movement for gender equity, and the crucial role White people can and must take to achieve racial justice and build the Beloved Community.
Education and Training Consultant Marlene Pray, MEd, is a community organizer, mother, ordained priestess, racial justice activist, and social justice sexuality educator and trainer.

Pete Seeger Sunday

We, all ages together, will sing and otherwise celebrate Pete Seeger and other Unitarian Universalist troubadours and activists.

Get On the Bus

It’s Pride Day! Many of our members will be on the way to Philadelphia to represent The Fellowship in the parade. Those of us in Collegeville will consider what it means to join with others to help bring the Belovéd Community into being.