Speaker: Rev. Bryant Brown

Mustard Seed

Do you scatter mustard seeds in your garden? Probably not; maybe that’s what that parable is about. Speaking of growing, we’ll be welcoming many new members.

Strong Women

On Mother’s Day we look to mothers and other women whose strengths are so needed, especially now.

Pete Seeger Sunday

We, all ages together, will sing and otherwise celebrate Pete Seeger and other Unitarian Universalist troubadours and activists.

Recurrence of Birth

Resurrection is a topic for many on Easter Sunday. Rebirth speaks of something or someone of the past being brought back again. Birth brings us something new. Both are amazing.

Riverside Plus 50

In April of 1967 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave a talk at New York City’s Riverside Church. He linked poverty and war. It drew much criticism; that he should stick to his own issues. Maybe they are all parts of that interconnected web of all existence.

From the Heart

Stories in the Christian Testament about generosity, like those elsewhere, point to quality rather than quantity. Let’s look at one.


Praying – it’s more than petitioning a deity. And, yes, it is a topic for UUs to consider.

Privileged, Entitled

Entitlements have become targets of governments’ budget cutting. A founding document of this nation lists rights we are entitled to. Probably there are more.

Progress and Promises

Slavery, segregation, the New Jim Crow – they’re all part of our nation’s history, and (watch the news) increasingly of our present reality. Can we do more than talk?