Topic: Soul Matters Themes

Let UUs All Be Grateful for…A Change

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Let UUs All Be Grateful for...A Change

In the spirit of both November’s Soul Matters theme, “Paths of Change,” and the Thanksgiving holiday, we’ll explore how change is disruptive and often unwelcome at the time it occurs but may also prove to be something we’re eventually grateful for. Along with considering the spiritual, mental and physical benefits of gratitude, particularly in  challenging … Continue reading Let UUs All Be Grateful for…A Change

The Only Constant is Change

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
The Only Constant is Change

Heraclitus is quoted as saying that no one can step into the same river twice.  The same is true for our gatherings here.  It is impossible to step into the same community twice, as each person brings change.  What do you bring to this beloved community?  During our service we will honor and formally welcome … Continue reading The Only Constant is Change

Unapologetically You

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Unapologetically You

It is easy to say, “be yourself” but put into practice this can be difficult. What does it mean to “be myself?” or to “be oneself?” It gets tough when we start bumping into each other. How do we “be ourselves” when it feels that our true natures may be at odds with one another? … Continue reading Unapologetically You

A Non-Believer Easter Awakening

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
A Non-Believer Easter Awakening

Belief in a deity or specific prophet is not necessary for belief in the power of life over death. The moral from Easter transcends the Christian faith from which the story comes. There is truth in the celebration that awakening and transformation is a possibility for everyone and everything. Let us liberate ourselves from the … Continue reading A Non-Believer Easter Awakening

Celebrating the Perkiomen and the Seventh Principle

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Celebrating the Perkiomen and the Seventh Principle

Our Soul Matters theme for April is Awakening. April is a month of awakening in the natural world when the flowers bloom, the trees leaf out, and a walk in the woods is accompanied by a chorus of birds. Insects that have overwintered as nymphs in the streams emerge in swarms and reproduce to feed … Continue reading Celebrating the Perkiomen and the Seventh Principle

Returning to the Homelands

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Returning to the Homelands

Our Soul Matters theme for April is Awakening. Our UU Principles of respect for all people and for the natural world of which we are a part as well as the value we put on justice, truth and democracy should make us receptive to an awakening to truth and reconciliation with the Lenape people who … Continue reading Returning to the Homelands

Roots and Branches: Exploring Family Systems

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Roots and Branches: Exploring Family Systems

Reverend Andrew Weber will direct our attention to the Soul Matters theme for November, “Holding History,” with a service focused on ancestry. Family trees show us our ancestry and origins. Genograms are another tool that can help us dig deeper into our roots and see patterns in our family, specifically with regard to occupation, illness/health, … Continue reading Roots and Branches: Exploring Family Systems

The Healing Message of Universalism

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
The Healing Message of Universalism

In many UU congregations there is an uneasiness with members on the topic of Christianity. A lot of our members belonged to Christian denominations previously and were wounded by it. Let’s see if we can cultivate a new relationship with Christianity by examining the religion of Universalism, which expresses the best of Christianity’s spiritual wisdom.