Speaker: Rev. Bryant Brown

Facts Are Stubborn

In anticipation of Earth Day let’s look at some facts, vehemently denied, which turn out to be, well, facts which have an effect on us all.


Events in our world and in our lives get treated as if they were a line with a beginning and an end. Even when we proclaim and celebrate something’s being finally accomplished, there can be more.


Our faith tries very hard to be inclusive. Who is included in “everyone”?


The Christians’ Spring holidays have many symbols and lessons which can enrich our efforts at spiritual growth. Let’s look at some of them in a UU sort of way.

Take Care

In much of human thought is the idea that our purpose is more than to use and use up the resources of our world and Universe for our own survival and amusement, but that we have a responsibility to the memory of our ancestors and to our progeny to be stewards.


Intend it or not, we leave markers behind us that tell following generations what we were like, how we lived, what we held as important.

Public Transit

Getting from here to there with a bunch of strangers is a different experience than driving. We’ll talk about what we learn from each other by just being together.


When a church puts up a Black Lives Matter banner, some folks get upset; some passersby, some of the congregation. Let’s look at what really matters to us and how we proclaim that in our world.

Fire Communion

Keep the good stuff, toss the other stuff. In our begin-the-year reviewing and resolving we again enlist a tiny bit of pyrotechnics to help the process.