Speaker: Anne Rostosky

The Healing Message of Universalism

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
The Healing Message of Universalism

In many UU congregations there is an uneasiness with members on the topic of Christianity. A lot of our members belonged to Christian denominations previously and were wounded by it. Let’s see if we can cultivate a new relationship with Christianity by examining the religion of Universalism, which expresses the best of Christianity’s spiritual wisdom.

Labor Day – A Celebration of Labor

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Labor Day - A Celebration of Labor

Bonnie Neiman, Uniserve Representative for the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA), an affiliate of the National Education Association, will be our guest speaker. (She is also the sister of TPUUF member Anne Rostosky.) In her role with PSEA, Bonnie represents teachers, support staff, and even health care workers. She will talk about the contributions that … Continue reading Labor Day – A Celebration of Labor

Let It Grow: Flower Communion & Faith Development Sunday

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Let It Grow: Flower Communion & Faith Development Sunday

The title for this multi-generational service comes from a musical, The Lorax, written in part by Dr. Seuss. We recognize on this Sunday that Unitarian Universalism is a path committed to ongoing personal and spiritual growth. Our Unitarian forebears were committed to what they called “self-culture” that came from an understanding that we can participate … Continue reading Let It Grow: Flower Communion & Faith Development Sunday

Love is Love

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Love is Love

n recognition of June as Pride Month, we’ll host Jenn and Cheryl Katon, former members of TPUUF now living in Boston, who will share their journey that spans 27 years of marriage. They spent much of their journey presenting as a straight couple with all the classic white, middle-class, cisgender normative elements. Eventually, through Cheryl’s gender … Continue reading Love is Love

Living Myths

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Living Myths

In line with the Fellowship’s current monthly Soul Matters theme of “Stories,” TPUUF friend Angelo (Butch) Larcinese has noticed that myths have been present in his life and in the lives of his mother and father. Mythologist and author Joseph Campbell has encouraged us to find our myths and live them. Butch will tell the … Continue reading Living Myths

The Mystique of the Female Mystic

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
The Mystique of the Female Mystic

Appeals to seek common ground and work toward greater unity in our nation and in our world seem at times just wishful thinking, not just in the realm of politics and government but in religious belief and practice as well. Perhaps the last best hope for common ground and unity in religion may be in … Continue reading The Mystique of the Female Mystic

Celebrate the Solstice!

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Celebrate the Solstice!

Solstice is the longest night of the year, after which days grow longer as we progress toward the Spring Equinox. We’ll celebrate the return of the light with music, stories, and poetry. Dress for the occasion—if possible, wear white, red, and green clothes for the service, including a headband of greenery and holly berries. Let’s … Continue reading Celebrate the Solstice!

Love Your Enemies

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Love Your Enemies

How can we learn to love people we disagree with politically? TPUUF friend, Butch Larcinese, will share what he’s learned from the timely book, Love Your Enemies:How Decent People Can Save America from the Culture of Contempt, by author and policy analyst Arthur C. Brooks.  Butch will discuss social scientist Jonathan Haidt’s five moral foundations, … Continue reading Love Your Enemies

Conscious Aging

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Conscious Aging

Earlier this year, soon after the COVID-19 lockdown began, Reverend Larry Peers facilitated a series of workshop sessions on conscious aging. Participants will share their experiences based on workshop themes, several of which are universal in nature, such as self-compassion, transformative points in one’s life, and forgiveness of self and others.

Affirming the Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person; Justice, Equity and Compassion in Human Relations

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Affirming the Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person; Justice, Equity and Compassion in Human Relations

Family Services of Montgomery County promotes our first two Unitarian Universalist principles every day. The agency provides a number of services assisting different groups of people, such as older adults, families, incarcerated individuals, and youth, to name just a few. Project HEARTH (Helping Elderly Adults Remain in Their Homes), one of the programs under Family … Continue reading Affirming the Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person; Justice, Equity and Compassion in Human Relations