UU Troubadours Sunday: Nurturing Beauty, Nurturing Truth

You won’t want to miss this year’s tribute to UU troubadours–the singer/songwriters who make our Unitarian Universalist faith more accessible and inspire us to greater heights of spiritual awareness and compassionate activism. We’ll pay homage to Pete Seeger, who inspired us to establish years ago our annual tribute to UU troubadours, and also to Bill Staines, who passed away in December of last year. And, of course, we’ll honor a variety of UU singer/songwriters—homegrown and beyond, old and new— and enjoy live and online performances of their music.

In an 1817 letter to his good friend, Benjamin Bailey,  the great English poet, John Keats speculated on the themes of imagination and religion. “What imagination seizes as Beauty,” Keats wrote, “must be truth.” In keeping with this month’s Soul Matters theme, “Nurturing Beauty,” we’ll hear music by UU Troubadours celebrating the beauty of our world and its diverse community of inhabitants and explore truths their music reveals.

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
UU Troubadours Sunday: Nurturing Beauty, Nurturing Truth

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