Worship Committee
- Assists the minister in arrangements for regular services
- Arranges for guest speakers/ministers when the minister is out of the pulpit
- Contacts participants to assist in the service
- Chalice lighting
- Responsive readings
- Prepares an annual report, listing members, activities of the past year and recommendations for future committees.
Faith Development (Religious Education) Committee
- Plans the curriculum for the faith development/religious education program
- Recruits and trains teachers
- Purchases supplies as needed
- Organizes classes by age or other criteria
- Attends district workshops whenever possible
- Arranges nursery and childcare for special occasions
- Organizes children’s programs in worship services regularly
- Prepares an annual report, list the members, activities of the past year and recommendations for future committees.
Finance Committee
- Conducts an annual pledge drive
- Assists the Treasurer with weekly accounting activities
Congregational Life Committee
Membership Team
- Plans opportunities for church fellowship
- Schedules people to welcome visitors
- Sends visitors information and newsletters
- Makes sure visitors have nametags
- Prepares an annual report, listing members, activities of the past year and recommendations for future committees.
Care Team
- Provides written, telephoned, or personal visits to persons facing challenges or losses.
Hospitality Teams
- Provides various services before, during and after services each Sunday, including:
- Sanctuary Setup
- Greeting Members, Friends & Visitors as they arrive.
- Kitchen Help
- Provide support during services for Introductions, Joys & Sorrows, Offertory, etc.
- Cleanup
Building and Grounds Committee
- Arranges and supervises regular and special maintenance to all buildings and grounds
- Plans and coordinates spring and fall clean-up of grounds
- Arranges for emergency repairs, contracting with needed craftspeople with approval of the board
- Arranges for regular mowing and plowing of the yard or parking lot
- Arranges for the clean-up and repair of storm damage
- Makes recommendations to the board on needed improvements and maintenance
- Arranges for putting up storm windows, storage, etc.
- Repairs and maintains playground equipment
- Prepares a report for the annual meeting, listing activities of the past year and recommendations.
Committee on Ministry
- Works to assure the best use of minister’s time and talents
- Advises the minister as a support committee
- Polls the congregation for feedback about sermons, classes, counseling, etc.
- Prepares an annual report.
Nominating Committee
- Identifies members to serve on the Board of Trustees to replace those whose terms of service expire at the beginning of each fiscal year.
- Nominating Committee members are elected at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Endowment Committee
- Manages the Trust Fund and the Endowment fund
- Endowment Committee members are elected at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation