Thank you for using the TPUUF online commitment form to participate in the Pledge Drive!

The annual financial commitment pamphlet is chock-full of information on our community’s vision, its finances and challenges, and how you can participate to make our second half-century as momentous and historic as our first 50 years. Please use the Fair Giving Guide below, in addition to your own financial situation, to decide on a fair pledge for the upcoming year.

If you need to speak with someone before pledging, click here to email the TPUUF Treasurer, Preston Luitweiler, and they’ll be in touch promptly.

Please complete the following form and press the Submit button to send your pledge commitment to the TPUUF Treasurer.

Letter from the TPUUF President of the Board of Trustees, Anne Rostosky:

Dear TPUUF Members and Friends,

This is an exciting time at Thomas Paine UU Fellowship.  So many great things are happening!  We have our young, vibrant minister, Reverend Andrew Weber, and we are adding new members.  These newer members include families and children, which bodes well for the future.

Our Social Action Committee is up and running again and active in our community!  We volunteered at the Women’s Outreach Center in Phoenixville and the Mitzah Circle, just to name a few activities.  We are regular contributors to the Daily Bread Food Pantry.  These things could not be done without ALL OF YOU in this TPUUF community.

We are currently in the process of revising our Mission and Vision Statements.  Your input is critical.  We need your resources of all types, including financial, to keep our community strong.  If everyone gives what they are able, we will have what we need.  Thank you for doing your part!

Remember, “Together, anything is possible!”

Thank you!

Anne Rostosky

President, TPUUF Board of Trustees


Proposed Budget $75,373

Pledge Drive Goal $76,000

This proposed budget allows our Fellowship to continue in-person and hybrid Sunday services and Children’s Faith Development, maintain our beautiful grounds and building, and nurture our caring community.

Proposed Budget Breakdown for 2024

  • Ministry $49,104
  • Program Expense $3,700
  • Religious Education $1,200
  • Office & Admin $8,000
  • Membership & Communications $1,000
  • Social Action $300.00
  • UUA Dues $4,469
  • Utility Services $6,600
  • Buildings & Grounds $1,000