Smoking Policy


ADVISEMENT from the Board of Trustees of the Thomas Paine Unitarian Universalist Fellowship concerning smoking on the TPUUF property

DECEMBER 3, 1996

Smoking is not appropriate within the Fellowship building or shed or outside in wooded areas, including the Meditation Garden and the Playground. Those who choose to smoke elsewhere are asked to be mindful of others, especially children, and to avoid littering.

  • This Advisement was based on responses to a Newsletter item requesting Fellowship input on a Smoking Policy.
  • This Advisement was adopted by the Board on December 3, 1996, as a temporary policy, until the matter could be considered by the Fellowship at the Annual TPUUF Meeting.
  • A Special Fellowship Meeting was held on March 2, 1997 to discuss and vote on a Fellowship Smoking Policy.
  • As the required quorum was not present at the March 2, 1997 Special Fellowship Meeting, no vote was taken on this issue. The information from this meeting was to be taken back to the Board.