Updated April 2017

  1. Attend the New to UU classes #1 and # 2 (held every 2 months, Sept-May.)
  2. Have a conversation with the minister about the covenant of membership here and answer any final questions the member candidate has.
  3. Make a financial pledge to the Treasurer for the current or coming year, depending on what month it is. If the person is unable to make a pledge at that time, they should express their intention to volunteer their time on committees, teams or other organized activities with TP.
  4. Sign the Membership Book with two voting member witnesses present (and who also sign their names). This marks the official beginning of one’s membership. Members are allowed to vote at congregational meetings when they have been a member for 60 days. Committee Chairs and Board Members must be voting members.
  5. Be publicly recognized at the next New Member Recognition ceremony with a certificate. (If the member chooses not to be publicly recognized or not to be present at the ceremony, the certificate will be given to them privately.)
Guidelines for joining TPUUF, for people from other Unitarian Universalists congregations:

They must take New to UU class #2, meet with the minister and make a financial pledge, as they are able. (They are welcome to take class #1 again, too.) After they have completed these steps, they can sign the membership book, as described above.

Guidelines for past TPUUF members who have resigned or who have been removed from membership list and want to reinstate their membership:

This process will be handled on an individual, case by case basis by the Membership Team, with input by the board if needed. Generally, these guidelines will be used:

If their membership ended more than 2 years ago, we highly encourage them to retake the New to UU class #2 and speak with the minister. (They are welcome to take #1 again, too.) They are expected to make a financial pledge at the time of rejoining, if able to. Their new contact information will be added to the Member List.

If it has been less than 2 years, then they only need to make a financial pledge (if able). Their new contact information will be added to the Member List.

The Membership team, along with input from the re-joining member, will decide whether they will be recognized in the next New Member Recognition ceremony.

Voluntary Member Resignations:

Voluntary resignations (if living and of sound mind), must be in writing to the Membership Team or Board, or to a member thereof. “In writing” can be in an email. Resignation letters should be filed in the appropriate folder in the office and the resignation date recorded in the Member list excel file.

Procedure for Membership Status Termination:

The Membership Team can propose a termination of one’s membership provided that the team has mailed a letter to that member asking them whether they wish to remain a member or not, and informing them that, if TP doesn’t hear back from them in 60 days, their membership will be inactive (non-voting). A list of people that do not respond to this letter will be presented to the Board, who will then vote on those proposed terminations. This process is to be done once a year, with the intention of completing it by the time of the official reporting to the UUA, usually done by January 31st. Any member who is terminated through this process is put onto the Inactive Membership list and can be removed altogether after 2 years.