Speaker: Rev. Andrew L. Weber

But First, Trust

I feel as if the highest form of love is practiced through accountability – the practice of truly wanting someone to blossom into their true and best version of themselves.  Accountability is hard, and can easily be felt as uncaring judgment or chastisement.  Before loving accountability, therefore; we must have a foundation of trust.  How … Continue reading But First, Trust

Trusting Religion

In the words of Brené Brown, “I thought faith would say, ‘I will take away the pain and the discomfort.’  But what it ended up saying is ‘I will sit with you in it.’ ”  What does it look like to trust our faith not to fix our problems, but to sit with us through … Continue reading Trusting Religion

Perspective Taking

Are DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) workshops, affirmative action and hiring/membership quotas helpful? Although classes may educate and initiatives may change populations, neither are great at shifting mindset. One way to increase personal and communal understanding and inclusion is experiencing the world from another person’s point of view – to walk a mile (or more) … Continue reading Perspective Taking

The Work is Never Done

In 2007, TPUUF completed an accreditation process to be official recognized as a “Welcoming Congregation” – a community open and affirming to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. (See more here: UUA Welcoming Congregation.) TPUUF continues to be a loving community, but the work of welcome is never done. How can we make sure that … Continue reading The Work is Never Done

Learning to be White

What is “whiteness” and where does it come from? Racial identity is a complex and emotional part of our personal and cultural stories. Racial identity has been described both as a biological fact and conversely as a social construct. We will explore racial identity, privilege and power, using a starting point of Rev. Thandeka’s book … Continue reading Learning to be White

Stories as Creation

Stories create our reality. From history to money and self-esteem to imagination – what is “factual” and “real” is very much impacted through the stories we tell and the stories we hear. What reality are you creating? What reality do you want to create? Come explore through music, activity and… story!

Question Box

As Unitarian Universalists we have an expectation to share our spiritual questions in community. This Sunday is a time to voice those queries in community. The floor will be open for theological questions you would like Rev. Andrew to speak about (both serious and silly are welcome). Bring your thoughts, ideas, inspirations, queries, concerns – … Continue reading Question Box

Presence or Presence?

Presence has two distinct meanings. The first is that of being mindfully aware in the current moment (ex. I have presence, I am here). A second meaning is the existence of something “other” than ourselves (ex. there is a presence in the room, there is something here in the room). There are parallels between the … Continue reading Presence or Presence?

Bind Up the Brokenhearted

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Bind Up the Brokenhearted

One theory about the origin of the word “religion” has to do with binding together. Binding has both negative and positive connotations: that is, one can bind a wound to heal or one can bind up in restraint. Where does our Unitarian Universalism faith provide bandages for healing and where might it bind to suppress … Continue reading Bind Up the Brokenhearted