Our Liberating Never Ends: Enduring Meaning of Passover for All of Us

Through story, song, meditation, and spiritual practice, we will gather for this online worship service to make sense of Passover’s enduring wisdom for us and for our time. Some of the most profound wisdom has been carried to us from generation to generation through story and ritual. Indeed, Passover is a way to remind ourselves of the truth that each generation (whether Jewish or not) faces whatever limits human possibility and oppresses us and others. In Hebrew, the word Mitzrayyim is the word for Egypt. The word actually means “tight and narrow space”). So, what “narrow spaces” are we navigating at this time in our personal and collective histories?

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Our Liberating Never Ends: Enduring Meaning of Passover for All of Us