This week we will join with First UU Church of Berks County. Click to join the Service via Zoom OR Join by Phone, dial (646)558-8656, Meeting ID:99980514523
At the conclusion of the FUUCBC service, Click to join TPUUF via Zoom for Matters of the Heart and Announcements OR Join by Phone, dial (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID:845801170, Password:12345
One way to nurture beauty is by sharing of ourselves. This sharing can help us live more fully into our UU principles. And when we share ourselves, we also inspire others to do the same. This Sunday members of the Thomas Paine UU Fellowship (TPUUF) in Collegeville will be joining us virtually.
We will be joining FUUCBC on-line for this service. The service will be shared on Zoom and projected in the sanctuary. We will drop off and conduct Matters of the Heart and Announcements at TPUUF.