We tend to imagine that awe is only related to the extraordinary within human experience. Yet, awe is perhaps the most ordinary of human experiences. In many of our religious celebrations this month and this time of year, we remember and evoke awe through story, song, candles and festivity. Scientists studying awe tell us that awe may be the most necessary factor in ensuring our survival as a species. Indeed, Wendell Berry, the American novelist, poet, essayist, environmental activist, cultural critic, and farmer, encourages us to “…abandon arrogance and stand in awe. We must recover the sense of the majesty of creation, and the ability to be worshipful in its presence. For I do not doubt that it is only on the condition of humility and reverence before the world that our species will be able to remain in it”
Where do you “get your awe?” How do experiences of awe change you?