Sunday mornings we provide several options for your infant, toddler or preschooler.
- Children are always welcome to stay in service as your family is comfortable. Soul Work activities (busy boxes) are available at the back of the sanctuary on the bottom shelf with activities to keep them occupied while you enjoy service.
- Our professional nursery staff person Katie Dees has been with us for more than ten years and provides a wonderful interactive play time in our nursery from 10:15-11:45. A certified volunteer may join her from time to time depending on attendance.
- Our third option is a hybrid model. You may want to begin service together and then take your child to the nursery when the older children go to their program after our Moment for All Ages.
- Additionally, both our lobby and our nursery are equipped with a speaker system that will allow families to continue to listen to service if they need to soothe their child away from the sanctuary.
The nursery is available to all registered children each and every Sunday for any child that has not yet entered kindergarten.
Our Safety Commitment- We strive to have your children safe in our nursery by having a sign in and and out policy. Your cell phone is needed as well so that you may receive a text during service if you are needed in the nursery. All of our guidelines can be found here :nursery handbook