screen-shot-2016-11-15-at-2-00-07-pmWho can say no to chocolate?! We are trying a new approach to fundraising with the Dove Chocolate Discoveries Fundraiser. Dove Chocolate Discoveries offers an enticing selection of their premium sweet treats as part of their new fundraising program. We can earn from 15%-35% of the sales for TPUUF, depending on our sales. Orders are placed online and will ship as placed. Delivery is guaranteed within 10 business days, and shipping is FREE for the fundraising program. Lizzie Vena will have samples available to share as part of our November brunch, which will be the kickoff date for our fundraiser. We will run the fundraiser for two weeks. So, if you plan on buying sweet treats as part of your usually holiday shopping then this may be of interest. Our emphasis, however, is to look for sales outside of the Fellowship. This project may not be for everyone, but please consider checking with friends, neighbors, family and colleagues who may enjoy sweet treats for themselves or as part of their holiday shopping – teacher gifts, hostess gifts, sweets to share at the workplace and more. And because orders can be placed online and ship direct, we are not tied to local-only sales.

Online Orders can be placed at Thomas Paine Dove Chocolate Discoveries Order Site

