Thank you for using the TPUUF online commitment form to participate in the 2020 Pledge Drive!

The annual financial commitment pamphlet is chock-full of information on our community’s vision, its finances and challenges, and how you can participate to make our second half-century as momentous and historic as our first 50 years. Please use the Fair Giving Guide below, in addition to your own financial situation, to decide on a fair pledge for the upcoming year.

If you need to speak with someone before pledging, email the TPUUF Finance Committee, or the TPUUF Treasurer, Preston Luitweiler, and they’ll be in touch promptly.

We take your privacy seriously, and the information you provide here will not be shared beyond the purpose of the annual canvass. We appreciate your generosity.

If circumstances require a change, please notify TPUUF of the need to revise or cancel this pledge.

To make payments, please make checks payable to TPUUF and write “2020/2021 Pledge” clearly on the check. Contributions to the TPUUF Operating Fund are fully tax deductible. You will receive statements quarterly and a calendar-year statement for tax purposes.

Fair giving guide
The UUA suggests that members and active friends consider giving at least 2% of income annually. If your household income is over $75,000, consider 3%. Over $100,000, consider 5%. The following is a guide to help calculate your pledge


Fair Giving Table


Please provide details of your commitment below and the information will be forwarded discretely to the Team Lead of the Financial Team of the Finance and Stewardship Committee.

[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’Online Pledge Commitment’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’I/We commit the following amount to the TPUUF 2020 Pledge Drive:’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Anticipated Contribution Frequency:’ type=’checkbox-multiple’ options=’Monthly,Quarterly,Annual’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]