Author: jsayer2221tpuuf

TPUUF Care Fund

The Care Team not only provides pastoral support, but we have a fund available to give assistance when a member of our community has a more tangible need.  This fund is meant to be used and replenished on a regular basis, with money constantly coming in and going out.  When you think of the gifts … Continue reading TPUUF Care Fund

MLK Day Volunteering at Unitarian Society of Germantown

On Monday, January 20, a group from TPUUF will be going to the Unitarian Society of Germantown to do volunteer projects. There is a sign-up sheet in the lobby if you are interested in carpooling. We will be leaving around 7:30 am. Please sign up for a project on the USG website,


This summer, Rev. Andrew led a pilgrimage to Transylvania – the birthplace of our religion.  To see his reflections on the power of pilgrimage, view the August 25 service (  Since that service, there has been some interest at TPUUF in doing a trip of our own!  This is a transformational opportunity for us to … Continue reading Transylvania?!