We will be joining Bux-Mont UU as we livestream their service in our sanctuary featuring Donna Harris. Join us in-person or on zoom. We will be having our Children’s Faith Development classes.
“I don’ t mean to offend but….”
We often use this phrase when we are venturing into a discussion where we fear applying stereotypical thinking about a person, group, or culture different
from ourselves. As UUs we hold dear the worth and dignity of every person which can be challenging when trying to avoid offending people we perceive
as different. Donna Harris will engage the congregation in contemplating our implicit biases and how they may hinder carrying out our UU principles.
Donna Harris, LCSW, MSW, MA, CGP – is an African American, licensed clinical social worker who has been practicing for over 30 years. She is on the faculty at Bryn Mawr College’s Graduate School of Social Service and Social Research, and at the Institute for Relational Psychoanalysis of Philadelphia (IRPP). Ms. Harris also serves as President for the Philadelphia Area Group Psychotherapy Society (PAGPS).