Our Stewardship Team, led by Lorraine Lee and Anne Rostosky, kicked off our Stewardship Drive for the upcoming church year in February. They conducted a training session for canvassers on Sunday, February 23, after service. have scoured the TPUUF files and UUA publications for “best practices” to make this year’s campaign as successful and painless as possible. More than a dozen members, including all of your board members and officers, have agreed to help with this campaign by being canvassers.
Expect to hear from one of our canvassers in February or March. The plan is to wrap up the Stewardship Campaign by March 22 so we will know where we stand well before the Annual Congregational Meeting in June. You will be able to pledge on-line on our website at: https://tpuuf.org/connection/online-financial-commitment-2020/”.