The Matthew Shepard Award was envisioned and developed by the Welcoming Congregation Task Force, the forerunner of today’s Welcoming Congregation Team. It was created to periodically recognize a member or friend’s efforts to encourage compassion, understanding, and acceptance by manifesting the Welcoming Congregation concept in their life. The award consists of a certificate and a pendant in the form of a titanium circle with the words ERASE HATE on one side and COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING, and ACCEPTANCE on the reverse. A plaque in the Fellowship lobby has Matt’s picture on it, a description of the award, and a nameplate honoring each recipient.
Debi has fulfilled this goal for many years with unwavering support as an ally and, as a faculty advisor for LGBTQ youth. She serves as a faculty advisor for the Methacton High School GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) and, as such, Debi has certainly taken our WC concept into her life in the community. Congratulations, to a very deserving recipient this year!