This year is a critical year for Thomas Paine Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. We have much to celebrate. We also have some specific opportunities and needs for you to thoughtfully consider in this year’s pledge drive as we–“give our way to the future.”
Click here to make an online pledge to TPUUF
Through your contributions we:
- Offer worship services and programs and activities that serve us and people from our wider community.
- Pay our staff (all part-time), including the Minister and Director of Lifespan Faith Development.
- Keep the lights on, our building standing and heated (or cooled), the snow plowed in the winter and the grass cut in the summer.
- Help those in need and some community organizations that serve them.
- Pay our dues to the Unitarian Universalist Association, which in turn supports TPUUF.
This coming year requires us to expand our giving in order to:
- Provide full financial support for our Lifespan Faith Development Program which had benefited over the last three years from a Chalice Lighter Grant from our UUA region.
- Build upon the efforts of our new part-time minister, Larry Peers, who has helped to attract new visitors and is inspiring and leading us. We would like to continue this ministry.
- Supplement our volunteer music efforts with occasional paid assistance.
- Begin to anticipate the needs of our 25-year old building so it can continue to be an attraction that becomes filled and fully utilized with activities for our own members and the broader community.
For these reasons and more, we need your help to make the 2019-2020 church year a turning point and a banner year for TPUUF.
We have formed a Stewardship Team consisting of our Treasurer, Preston Luitweiler, our Secretary, Linda Weaver, Lorraine Lee and Sandy Beckius. The team is kicking off our annual pledge drive earlier than in past years. This is the time many UUA congregations start their appeals to provide input to the Finance Committee to prepare a draft budget to present to the annual Congregational Meeting in June. Stay tuned for more from the Stewardship Team in April.
-TPUUF Stewardship Team of the Finance Committee