President’s Message – March 2025

I am so excited with what is happening at TPUUF! We recently had 8 new members “sign the book” over two Sundays! And this month we will be recognizing all the most recent new members.

We are, under the leadership of Joanne Walker, creating a new Strategic Plan for the Fellowship! Good things are coming! Make sure your voice is heard.
Thank you, Joanne!

In addition to that, there was a very well-attended Social Action Committee Meeting and a lot of good ideas were generated there. Brian Strachan stepped forward to be the Co-chair of the Committee. Thanks Brian!

March is Women’s History Month. I, along with several other Fellowship members, will be presenting the program on March 16 about this topic. Come and learn about several UU women who made noteworthy contributions.

Spring is right around the corner. It was a long, cold winter in my opinion, and personally, I can’t wait! Until then, stay warm.

In Fellowship,